Friday, February 1

Is Our Expression Truly Free?

The freedom of expression of a billion plus Indians is being compromised in different ways. As we are starting to get busy with our exams, an actor down south is fighting for his freedom of expression, which the Tamil Nadu Government has forced out of the cinemas, just because of 40 people protesting about it being an Anti-Muslim movie... even though the lead actor  is a Muslim himself! The Tamil Nadu government has forcefully taken away the right of any person who wants to watch the movie. But aren’t we used to such hounding by the government? This isn’t the only movie banned by the government. Have we all forgotten about the controversy surrounding Dancing Queen Madhuri Dixit’s comeback film? Or maybe Shah Rukh Khan’s MNIK?  This isn’t limited to just movies but other things as well. A few months back two girls were arrested for posting their OWN views on a social networking site. They were taken into custody and fined! With the Indian constitution boasting of several fundamental rights- freedom of expression being one of them- we Indians are unofficially censored by the government of our country. We do not have the right to freely express ourselves. Jai Hind!

1 comment:

  1. Our so called fundamental right is being censored, hats off 2 d indian govt. If u cant respect us den plz respect our fundamental ryts atleast!!
