Friday, August 2

Nothing but a book drunkard!!

God once said let there be happiness and then there were books. A book is not a mere bundle of pages stapled together but an amalgamation of hopes, dreams and possibilities. Books become the most amazing of friends, the most patient of teachers and the wisest of counselors. Books are train, the plane. They are the journey, the destination. They are home. What books do to me is unexplainable. It’s like I’m an addict. Books have the same kind of temptation for me that liquor has for its devotee. They are irresistible. I believe in them. I believe in the magic of books. I believe that during certain times we’re drawn to a particular book. Like while walking down a aisle in a bookshop and coming across the most perfect, the most wonderfully suitable book staring right at us. I believe that books ultimately find their way into our lives. Like they’re meant to be. Finding someone you love is a wonderful feeling. But finding a true soul mate? That’s an even better feeling. Books are my soul mates. My special ones. They've taken me to places I've never been to. Given me hope. Taught me how to dream. But above all they've taught me how to love and live! 

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