Thursday, August 1

W for Woman

W stands for wisdom. W stands for wonderful. W stands for wow. W stands for women. She is the most amazing creature god ever made. The one who gives birth and the one who nurtures. But W also stands for many Why’s. Why is this happening to me? Why is it supposed to happen this way? Why doesn’t it change? India says it is the largest democracy in the world. A country boasting of several fundamental rights being offered to its citizens- both Men and Women. Then why is it that the society can’t let a girl be her own master? That’s not democracy!
It’s time she gets the answer to the many W’s she’s learned to live with. Time she gets her due. Time to shake the stereotypes and question the age old norms. Time to redefine sense and sensibilities. Let all the W’s- why, who, where and what of women go free!